About Master the Maze

Correcting My Own Course as a Parent

I have an idea of what you’re going through because I, too, went through difficult times as a parent.

As the mother of two children, there were times when I felt discouraged, afraid, and embarrassed about what was happening in my family and about my parenting. Did I have bad children or was I just a bad parent?

Counselling helped me find my way

What turned my situation around was getting help in the form of counselling. It turns out I didn’t have bad kids, and I was not a bad parent. I discovered through counselling that my children were acting out in large part because their emotional needs were not being met. I had not been meeting their emotional needs because I did not know how.

The counsellors I worked with made me aware of the unconscious parts of my personality that were affecting my parenting. The counsellors also helped me learn a different way of seeing my children – to see underneath my children’s behaviours to the emotional and developmental roots of their off-track behaviours. I re-focused my parenting on my children’s emotional needs—needs that no parenting book I had read talked about. I felt more satisfaction and fulfillment in my parenting and my children’s troubling behaviours started to resolve.

About Master the MazeFeeling moved to help others

Since that time, I have felt stirred to share what I learned in those years. When my children grew older, I trained as a psychotherapist. I earned a Masters degree at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Counselling Psychology with an emphasis in Depth Psychology.

I also studied with Dr. Gordon Neufeld, an attachment-based and developmental psychologist, and I trained with Hand in Hand Parenting, an organization that has created parenting tools to focus on children’s emotional development. During my studies, I developed a unique mind-body technique I have termed Conscious Release™ that helps me release stuck energy in my body so I am not in the grip of my unconscious.

I feel privileged to now be in a position to help other parents as I was helped.

Transform your family, as I did mine

My combined approach—parent education about children’s emotional development, psychotherapy for parents, and my Conscious Release™ technique—can help you transform your family as it did mine. Our family has corrected its course and my children and I now enjoy warm, loving, and connected family relationships. Transforming a family has long-lasting effects, and can even extend to your grandchildren and future generations—truly an investment in your family.

If my experience resonates with you, you can visit my Rates page or contact me to arrange a free, 20-minute phone or Skype consultation, or to book an appointment.

“Lucinda has passionately pursued her own spiritual growth and psychological wellness and has much accumulated wisdom that she can share with her clients. She has a caring, open and non-judgmental approach that allows one to communicate freely while feeling supported and nurtured. I see this as a rare and valuable skill….”
Delea Hennenfent BA, LLB, MA (Counselling Psychology), Vancouver, BC 


Counselling helps

“People who participated in psychotherapy experienced more relief from their problems than those who did not. People who went to therapy were better off after therapy than 92% of those who had not yet gone to therapy.”

Leichsenring et al., “Efficacy of Short-term
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy….”