Master the Maze | Conscious Release

Release Stuck Energy and Renew Connections

The value of somatic, or body-oriented therapies, has become increasingly evident over the past few decades.

My unique Conscious Release™ technique is a mind-body method that discharges stuck energy and renews connections.

Release the grip of past negative experiences with Conscious Release™

Sometimes, parenting problems stem from negative experiences in our pasts that get lodged as stuck energy in the body. This stuck energy impairs our ability to connect with ourselves and with our children.

My Conscious Release™ technique is a non-touch method that integrates principles of Jungian, somatic, neurobiological, and trauma treatment modalities. It restores a feeling of connection with ourselves and with our children.

If Conscious Release™ sounds like a technique you’d like to know more about, contact me for your free, 20-minute phone or Skype consultation. You can also check out my Rates page.

“The first time I worked with Lucinda using her Conscious Release technique, I was able to take the first step in becoming aware of my body and getting myself emotionally unfrozen after years of being numb.”  – Angela Mc (West Vancouver)
“I am struck by Lucinda’s gentle, solid, and open-hearted presence. Her innovative Conscious Release technique successfully and quickly shifted and integrated my reaction to a personal upset. I experience  Lucinda as wise, heart-centered, and compassionate and am  deeply grateful to her.”  – F.  Alexander, BSc PT, MA (Counselling Psychology) West Vancouver, BC